by massimo | Feb 24, 2019 | Uncategorized
Smokey Beats for a Stoners’ Afternoon [Canapa Mundi DJ Set] Here is where I changed my Burningmax hat at Canapa Mundi, switching from plastic artist to musician, and paying a DJ set for Canapa Mundi’s Dancehall Area. My DJ set was the closing one, so I let...
by massimo | Feb 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
Happy People at 50 Shades of Canapa Mundi A new photo gallery of 50 Shades of green at Canapa Mundi, this time packed with happy people experiencing the colorful tunnel and the olfactory menus of cannabis terpenes provided by 50 Shades of Green. Couples, groups,...
by massimo | Feb 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
50 Shades of Green at Canapa Mundi [photogallery] After several months in production with 50 Shades of Green, the first exhibition of the artwork finally happened, with a three-day showcase at the Rome-based cannabis trade show Canapa Mundi. In brief, I’m very...
by massimo | Feb 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
50 Shades of Green @ Canapa Mundi 2019 [press releases] Click the button below to download the press release announcing the launch of the 50 Shades of Green project, and the first exhibition at the Canapa Mundi trade show in Rome. PDF PRESS RELEASE (ENGLISH) Cliccate...
by massimo | Feb 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
50 Shades of Green + Hash, Marihuana & Hemp Museum This morning some exciting news added to the already excited mood of getting closer and closer to 50 Shades of Green’s first exhibition at Canapa Mundi, opening next week in Rome. The Hash, Marihuana &...
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