More pictures of happy people interacting and playing with 50 Shades of Green at the Salone Internazionale della Canapa 2019 in Milan, and doing what people does when they love a very special place: taking a selfie in the most colorful (and perfumed) spot in the entire Salone!
50 Shades of Green was not just the perfect selfie spot, but 50 perfect selfie spot at once, as everybody was choosing the selfie spot according to their favorite color – or cannabis scent!
And this happened thanks to CBD Good and Claso, local sponsors of the installations for Salone della Canapa, who made the exhibition of 50 Shades of Green in Milan possible thanks to their support. And of course thanks to the support of project partner Cali Terpenes, who supported the entire 50 Shades of Green exhibition tour by providing their amazing cannabis terpenes that are at the core of the olfactory experience offered by the installation.
Enjoy the photo gallery.