Villaggio Globale is a social, intercultural center and autonomous zone, active in Rome since the early ’90s in one of most culturally active areas of Rome, Testaccio. Located in Campo Boario, next to Mattatoio, the contemporary art space now managed by MACRO (Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome), Villaggio Globale supports all the things I believe in – immigrants integration, inter-culturalism, anti-fascism, anti-racism, anti-prohibitionism, art and freedom.
The “Villaggio”, as we all call it, hosts a number of artists, musicians, artist collectives and social workshops / laboratories, offering them working spaces as well as opportunities to showcase their works. I would love to have a stable laboratory at Villaggio for my work, but space is limited and I’m kind of on a waiting list for it. in the meanwhile, the managing team is happy to allow me to use their common spaces for my work, which is great anyway.
Even if the first part of the production work for 50 Shades of Green will be done in different locations, I cannot wait to move in at Villaggio Globale for the final production stage of the artwork, scheduled for early January. Stay tuned for further blog posts, photo galleries and more from the Villaggio. Daje Villaggio!