Cali Terpenes, based in Barcelona, Spain, is the major European producer of cannabis terpenes, and thanks to the high quality of their products is an absolute prime brand both across Europe and in the United States. Their cannabis terpene profiles are 100% natural, and their testing and product development laboratories allow results of the highest purity in their final products.
The guys at Cali Terpenes are very busy as their company and their market is rapidly expanding, so it took a while to get to a final confirmation of their support, but they have been of great help since day one, offering a very expert technical advice on how to get the most out of their products when adding terpenes to the fabrics used for the 50 Shades of Green project.
Since the very first time we talked on the phone, at the end of last summer, the Cali Terpenes experts gave me very valuable tips on how to dilute the cannabis terpenes in essential oils to allow a better penetration on textiles, reduce the evaporation rate, and perform a longer and more persistent scent throughout the art installation. Among the other excellent tip I received from Cali Terpenes are also major inputs on the optimal odor sequence that can offer the best olfactory experience to the visitors venturing inside the 50 Shades of Green tunnel.
I will be starting doing production tests with terpenes soon, and I will certainly blog more about how Cali Terpenes’ products will be used in the art installation. In the meanwhile, I just want to say a big thank you to Cali Terpenes and its team for supporting the 50 Shades of Green project! Gracias! Merci!