Site icon 50 Shades of Green

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to All my Friends / Volunteers

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to All my Friends / Volunteers

Gen 29, 2019

Back to Villaggio Globale for a full Sunday of production work, and this time with a very large crew of volunteers. So let me start this post by saying thank you to everybody who showed up at Villaggio to help finalize the work of 50 Shades of green, starting with Matilde, Julissa and Caroline, with whom I’m also working on another art project that we are planning on bringing to a couple of Burning Man regional events in springtime and summer – no spoilers for now, but we will announce the project soon.

Thank you also to Alberto and Lele, two good friends and long-time members of our Roman Burners community, always ready to help out. Alberto also helped me a lot last year on the production work for the Apelle land art installation, while with Lele we have teamed up several times for the organization of several burners events, from gathering such as Italian Burning Weekend to Italian Burning Boots, as well as for the organization of our theme camp at the Nowhere festival in Spain. And thank you to Andrea, a friend of Caroline who show up to help even if we had never met before, and to Robert, who has helped for a couple of hours at our previous production session at Villaggio.

Also, a bit in advance, let me say thanks you to Arlo and Aoife, who will travel from Barcelona next week to help me out with the installation at Canapa Mundi. With Arlo we already worked on a previous project together, building the Temple of Reflexion in the Monegros desert back in 2015 for the Nowhere festival.

Basically, with so many burner friends volunteering to help on the project, 50 Shades of Green feels like a collaborative project for Burning Man. Love it! Not only, we already have six different countries represented in this project: The Netherlands (Arlo), Ireland (Aoife), Sweden (Caroline), Honduras (Julissa), United States (Robert), and of course Italy! Also the Italian crew has very diverse roots: Rome (Lele), Naples (Alberto and Andrea), Florence (Matilde) and Palermo (that would be me…). We can definitely say that 50 Shades of Green has roots all over the world, pretty much like marihuana!

Enjoy a photo gallery of the day spent with the crew at Villaggio Globale, working together to finalize everything that needed to be done for the holding / hanging structure of the installation, a structure that require about a hundred meters of steel wire, a couple hundreds metal rings and a couple hundreds carabiners. And definitely plenty of help. Thank you again to all my friends.











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