The Project’s Supporters in The Monegros

With all our gratitude and appreciation, we dedicate a blog entry to the Monegros’ partners, friends and supporters of the Growing Nowhere project.

logo_comarcamonegrosIn the first place, we want to thank the Presidency of Comarca Monegros for their friendship and support. Besides them, there are also Áreas de Cultura y Comunicación and the Fundación para la Promoción de la Juventud y del Deporte (Foundation for the Promotion of Youth and Sports).
A special mention goes to Radio Monegros that, though it’s “turned off” right now, always supported the Growing Nowhere project since our first steps.

Among other supporters of the project we also have to name Ayuntamiento de Sariñena (Sariñena Town Hall) and Ayuntamiento de Castejon de Monegros (Castejon de Monegros Town Hall), that have always supported the Nowhere festival since our first event in 2003.

We are also very grateful to Centro Cultural y Recreativo Casino de Sariñena, that has always welcomed us and has offered some space for our Growing Nowhere meetings.

Finally, besides all institutions, we also want to thank all citizens of Sariñena, Castejon de Monegros and other cities in The Monegros, whether individuals and business owners, who have always supported and helped us in all these years with the planning and developing of our cultural mission in The Monegros.